Charity skydivers raise more than £13,000

11 skydivers braved the Sunday skies as they jumped from 10,000 and 15,000 feet to raise money for your Air Ambulance.

The team collectively raised more than £13,000 between them – enough to fund four emergency call-outs.

Among the jumpers were past patients, relatives and emergency frontline workers, including Kiana Sykes, Jess Veck and Kevin Stokes who regularly work with our team when treating patients as part of South Central Ambulance Service.

Kiana said:

“Being a frontline worker myself for the Ambulance Service, I see first-hand the amazing work that this charity does for our communities. They are a selfless, dedicated and hard-working team of individuals who deserve all the support we can give them.

“If you’re looking to skydive for a charity, I couldn’t recommend it more. It’s an experience I will take away with me and remember forever (and that I’ll probably be doing again!) Thank you so much to everybody who sponsored me. You’re the real reason this life-saving resource can continue to save people.”

Kevin said:

“It was my 50th last year and I wanted to do something special for it. I was working with Jess and we had a patient on board who had a drawing of a parachute on the cast of her leg. We got talking about a skydive and the patient said it’s great fun. I’ve always wanted to skydive, and so Jess and I agreed to it.

“Doing the job we do we often have patients that have used the Air Ambulance. We know from talking to them what a huge difference it has made to them, often saving their lives.

“To raise as much as we could I did a 24-hour gym challenge and we also did a raffle at work with prizes from companies such as Hampshire County Cricket Club.

“The skydive was brilliant fun. The freefall through the clouds and the twists when the parachute opened were unbelievable. And to know we were doing it to help raise money for something that saves lives made the nerves seem to disappear – and it won’t be the last thing we do for the Air Ambulance.”

Thank you to everyone who took part and to those who have rescheduled to jump again.

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